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Friday, September 23, 2005

Jesus Isn't Cool

OK, yes, I found another must read. The iMonk came across an article about youth ministry entitled Jesus Isn't Cool: Challenging Youth Ministry by Chanon Ross at The Christian Century. Read that one first, then see iMonk's blog about it here.

Here's a quote from Ross:

"Teens respond to the message that their faith offers an alternative to the world. But this realization requires a community of adults who embody this difference. Explaining that life in the Body of Christ is different is insufficient. Adults must show how to live this difference. Where are the adults and trained ministers capable of leading youth and their parents into the particular story of God's work in the world?"

As you can see from that quote, it's focused on youth ministry, but definitely has a broad stroke of application for the whole church.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:43 PM, September 23, 2005


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