Spider-man 3: "Hang up the suit?"

"What in the world just happened?" That's what I was asking myself on the way home from the World Golf Village IMAX theater last night after seeing Spider-man 3. It's not a bad movie, but it's not the great one I was hoping for. Part 2 was great. This one was a hodge-podge of loose plot devices and over simplified coincidental meetings. Throw in the corny dance and music scenes and you've got a storytelling mess. It would have been nice if the angst was settled. Isn't that what 2 was about? Oh well, the villains were cool, though certainly under-developed. Hopefully they'll learn some things from the critics and do some more preliminary work at the beginning of the process rather than waiting for the cool effects to save the movie.
As one critic put it:
After the end of that second film, I thought for sure this entry in the series would show us a Spider-Man at peace with who he was, enjoying the way his life is working out, facing down threats with new confidence. Mary Jane by his side should not be the source of every single bit of misery in his life. It’s a drag to sit through, and that’s something I never thought I’d say about a Raimi SPIDER-MAN film.
My sentiments exactly, but, all in all, it's still better than most of the other junk coming out of Tinseltown. And if you have a chance, see it at the IMAX.
I give 3 out of 5 webs for Spider-man 3.
1. Welcome back!
2. Good review.
3. You still have time to go to the theater?!?
10:55 PM, May 11, 2007
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