Charismatic Chaos-The Book
Have many evangelical believers shown a dogmatic and unloving spirit towards charismatic and pentecostal brothers? Do all charismatic have a skewed view of orthodoxy? Have we lumped all charismatic into the same category based on what we have seen on television?
Rich Nathan, from the vineyard movement feels that many charismatics have been misrepresented in John Macarthur's popular book, Charasmatic Chaos. He further believes many views represented in the book (which many evangelicals hold to) are unbiblical.
While I don't agree with every detail in his article, he makes some great points!
If you have adopted the view that certain spiritual gifts have ceased and have a bad taste in your mouth for charismatics, I suggest you read this article. Many, I feel have adopted this view based on unbiblical emotions!
Consider some excerpts form his article:
"I personally agree with a number of points in Macarthur book. Like many Christians, I too have grave problems with the prosperity message and the positive confession movement. Suffering, as much as faith, as an integral part of the Christian life (Phil. 1:29). I also share the general disgust that most Christians have for those television evangelists who are simply money grabbers. Like my colleagues in the Vineyard, I oppose a view of spirituality that eliminates the maturing effect of traditional means of sanctification, such as Bible study, prayer and fellowship. And I hate the hyped testimonies of alleged healings that evaporate upon honest investigation."
"Throughout this entire book, MacArthur has chosen to exaggerate the weaknesses of the charismatic viewpoint by selecting examples of the worst or the weakest of charismatic proponents rather than the best."
Full article (pdf) here.
Here's Sam Storms take on CC, a book he puts in his Bottom 10 Books...
“Charismatic Chaos,” by John MacArthur (Zondervan). I have tremendous respect for MacArthur and cherish him as a brother in Christ. But this book is bad. It takes the worst in the Pentecostal-Charismatic world (and yes, there are some pretty bad things in that world) and portrays them as typical of charismatics in general. His arguments for cessationism and against the contemporary validity of so-called miraculous spiritual gifts is extremely weak. But I want to say again how much I appreciate most of the other books MacArthur has written.
8:34 AM, June 20, 2005
View Sam's whole list here...
8:35 AM, June 20, 2005
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