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Monday, October 03, 2005

Super Seeker-Sensitive Pastor

Oh man, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry at this. OK, I'll laugh. While reading the comments on Tom Ascol's latest blog about the Power Team, someone linked to this about a SB pastor in Charlotte, NC who did some homemade video in a Superman suit flying above the city, showed it on the screens and then came out on stage in the suit!!


Blogger Chris Whisonant said...

You should cry at this - I took down that page because of pretty hateful anonymous comments by members of that church. I got about 4 of the bad comments in the span of an hour... I decided to take down the blog to keep the people from harboring anger at it. I guess what was done in fun wasn't appreciated by some... Thanks for the link to my blog though!

3:37 PM, November 01, 2005

Blogger Greg said...

Oh...come on....people need to get a life and have a sense of humor. I mean, hey, you might as well learn to laugh at yourself because everyone else already does!

tsk, tsk

3:39 PM, November 01, 2005


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