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Monday, January 09, 2006

'Shake it out for Jesus'

Shaun sent us some food for thought the other day...

One of the articles was about a Hip-Hop Church. In an effort to draw in a younger generation, the churches are having Hip-Hop services. Reportedly the regular services draw about 70 people a week while the HH services draw upwards to 300. One of the rationales for the inclusion was this:
"'Martin Luther did theology in taverns,' Chatman says. 'To what extent are we willing to go to reach young people today?'"

Well, how about actually doing theology?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never could dance. :) a few months ago, i heard a hip hop guy do a little deal in the middle of chris tomlin's "holy is the lord." this was in a 98% white church in Georgia.

it was sweet.

but i still can't dance.

8:40 PM, January 11, 2006


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