Grab a frappuccino from the cooler and come join us...

Monday, October 23, 2006

...and there will be peace.

The audio from the Peacemaker Seminar is now available online at

I'll share more thoughts and experiences from this great weekend later.

Right now I need to go to bed!


Today I had to make a site visit up to Brunswick, Georgia. That's about an hour and a half north of Jville. They are turning what used to be a Quizno's into a Starbucks. Not sure if too many folks in Brunswick have ever been to a Starbucks. At least that was the sentiment of the new owner.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Baptist Battles II

Tom Ascol (Founders) weighs in on Dr.Vines recent sermon. In my opinion, he was very gracious.

And here's yet another sad chapter in this escalating struggle.

BTW, this amazingly reckless quote is directly copied and pasted from


A: Yes, absolutely. For a small portion of these people, just daring to question the Bezian movement is heresy. They will blog and e-mail incessantly. I call it a “Calvinist Jihad,” because just like Muslims, they believe they are defending the honor of their view. They can discuss nothing else. I have even had a few call for my head! Dr. Falwell and I have laughed about it, because they are so insistent, and they miss the point completely. There are plenty of schools to which the neo-Calvinists can go, but Liberty will be a lighthouse for missions and evangelism to the “whosoever wills.” Period.

The difference is, Muslims know when to quit - for these guys, it is the only topic about which they can talk.

Good job, Dr. Caner, Dean of Liberty Seminary.

Way to make peace.

Nothing like being one body with one Spirit.


When an institution or person lives by principle there is an inherent consistency of logic. When an institution or person lives for power there is an inevitable corruption within leadership.
(HT: Grace and Truth to You: Worthy of Our Reflection)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Baptist Battles

UPDATE: I started re-listening to the sermon and realized I had the dates of the upcoming series sermons incorrect. The Charismatic sermon is Oct.29th and A Baptist and His Booze will be the first week of November (5th).

I finished listening to Dr. Vines' Oct 8th sermon 2nd in the series Baptist Battles last night.

Baptist and Election... i.e. the "problem" (his word) of Calvinism.

I will try and post my comments soon.

In the meantime, others are beginning to talk about it...

And don't miss next week...Baptist vs. Pentacostalism, and then Oct.22 is Baptist vs. Booze.

I'm not kidding.

As Scott Hill (Fide-O) said:
Make no bones about it. This sermon is placed in a series called Baptist Battles for a reason. There are powerful men who believe Calvinism is as dangerous as liberalism and we are seeing the beginnings of a battle to see it stamped out especially among Southern Baptist.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


As a Marching Chief alumni, I was especially disappointed not only by last night's poor performance by the FSU football team, but also by the high school "rent-a-band" playing our fight song and the war chant. Sad.

It brought back memories of 1995 when they wouldn't take any of us, not even a pep band (200) up to Virginia. Remember out first ACC loss, Warrick Dunn at the goal line? It makes a difference. And don't tell me it's an issue of money. Other big schools send their bands all over the country for every game.


'Nuff said.


Creativity vs. Entertainment: Episode II

I talked to some friends about my earlier post regarding the difference between creativity and entertainment. We kind of came to the same conclusion that it's o.k. as long as the thing being created does not become an idol.

If carried too far, the idea that everything has to have a "Christian" label on it would make a lot of things that are enjoyable totally off limits. Can you imagine playing Christian flag football?

One friend reminded me of that C.S.Lewis quote of tracing the sunbeams back up to the sun.

Good stuff.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Caucasian Club Controversy

Students at Arizona State have started a Caucasian Club.

Well, if there can be a Black Student Union, Womens Student Union, etc., then why not?

It sort of proves a point, doesn't it?

You can read more here.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Creativity vs. Entertainment

For the past several months I’ve been working on a story that I’d like to make into a film.  But, as a Christian, am I “wasting my life” by spending time, money and effort on a project that’s not inherently “Christian” or directly glorifying to God?  Some folks would say yes.  Some would not.

Was C.S. Lewis “wasting his life” when he wrote The Chronicles of Narnia?

I guess I’m looking for a healthy balance between creativity and entertainment.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Do what must be done, and there will be peace...

On October 20th and 21st, Eastside Community Church is hosting The Peacemaker Seminar, presented by Peacemaker Ministries. Everyone is welcome to attend.

I finally updated the church website with info about the seminar, including a video teaser I produced to promote the event.

We've all seen relationships devastated by unresolved and/or poorly handled conflicts. The Biblical principles and wisdom taught by Peacemakers is extremely valuable and vital to cultivating and maintaining a culture of peace within our homes, businesses, churches and among the body of Christ at large.

We still have several open seats available and wanted to invite anyone who might like to attend, especially pastors, elders, staff, deacons and other leadership. The cost is $10 per person and we will be accepting registration at the door. (Please note that childcare will not be provided.)

From "The Peacemaker Seminar is a five-hour training that applies systematically biblical principles to real-life situations to equip you to respond to conflicts in gracious, wise, and God-glorifying ways."

For more info and to view the video, click here.