Pirates of the Caribbean: At Wits End

- Gore Verbinski, Director, on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
Well, it's more of the same. Instead of tying up loose ends of Dead Man's Chest, PotC 3 introduces even more confusing storylines and extremely convenient plot devices. Got a massive armada ready to wipe your few ships out? Hey, no problem, we're holding the goddess of the sea hostage who happens to be squigley face's girlfriend. She'll feel sorry for us and cause it to rain. By the way, where'd she go?
I know, I know, it's all just tongue in cheek, right? Well, yes and no. I can suspend disbelief for Davy Jones and many other supernatural type things, but when Elizabeth (Keira Knightly) becomes the captain of a ship and then rallies all the pirates together with such a moving speech (yeah) to fight against the evil empire corporation mean rich bad guys, well, that's about all I can take. And what's the point of a pirate's code in a world where you can keep changing all the rules?
I think the best line of the movie was when the British Naval Lieutenant turns to short bad guy (Lord Beckett) and says, "I wonder if he has everything planned out or is just making it up as he goes along."
Now, was he talking about Jack Sparrow or the screenplay?
I give Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 2 out of 5 crab cakes.
(And 2 instead of one only because ILM's visual effects were really good)
The Ninja examines Pirates 3.
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