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Friday, July 28, 2006

Pain In the Left Behind

John Hagee is a TV Evangelist who is leading a campaign to let Israel fight. This is a definite must-read article which shows the outgrowth of an eschatology (end-times teaching) run amuck.

(HT: Boars Head Tavern)

Balance that with a John Piper sermon from 2004 regarding Israel and the Middle East.

As believers in Jesus Christ, I think we should be careful in how quickly we just blanketly support the nation-state of Israel.

They reject Christ as Lord.

UPDATE: Here's a great quote from another good article on the same subject.

We don't love Israel more than we love Jesus. And we don't love Israel too little to tell our Jewish friends the truth. That's why we must emphasize evangelism, of Jew as well as Gentile. No one will inherit the Kingdom of God apart from Christ. The dual covenant heresies of some prominent charismatic television preachers should be denounced and abhorred by every faithful Christian. The current secular state of Israel is not the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham; Jesus is.

Nonetheless, the state of Israel is the guardian of post-Holocaust world Judaism. This does not necessitate that we support every political decision of the Israeli government. But it does mean that we stand with Israel against every form of anti-Semitic violence because, first of all, we know that these are the kinsmen according to the flesh of our Messiah.

You can read the whole article from Russ Moore here.

(HT: Between Two Worlds)


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:35 PM, July 28, 2006

Blogger Chris said...

I have deleted the previous post. Supposidly the true "Lion of Judah" has time to visit my blog and leave a comment that gives "verifiable proof that 'Armageddon' has already begun..." Yeah, really. He says that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita proved it. Sheesh.

10:33 AM, July 31, 2006

Blogger Jeff said...

And... Christ returned to earth in 1988. Don't you remember?

Good link to the Piper article, btw. I hadn't read it before, and it is certainly thought-provoking.

4:14 PM, August 01, 2006


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