Protect the Helpless

Oh the depths of the depravity of men and women who have exhanged the glory of the Creator for that of the creature. (Romans 1)
Back in January, I called attention to an article that I found to be very disturbing. It is about people in New York City who not only have but encourage late-term abortions. There is an evil here that is so deep, I still don't know how to describe it. Check out my post here.
Also, Walden Media (producers of the Narnia films) is coming out with a movie about the life of William Wilberforce. He was the one who labored to abolish the slave trade and ultimately outlaw slavery in England in the mid-1800s. It is an awesome story. I read his biography in a book by John Piper a couple of years ago.
I pray that God will raise up someone like Wilberforce who will fight against the grave injustice of abortion, the ultimate sin against the most helpless.
Lord, have mercy on our nation.
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