Grab a frappuccino from the cooler and come join us...

Thursday, August 31, 2006


"Hello? Paula White Ministries? Um, yes, my name is Chris from Jacksonville. Well, I'm calling on behalf of my wife about your upcoming Satisfied Woman Retreat entitled "Celebrate You" in Orlando. Yes, does she need to bring her Bible...umm, no? O.k. thanks."


Blogger Chris said...

"I'm coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about ME, It's ALL about ME, Jesus."

2:33 PM, August 31, 2006

Blogger Jeff said...

That is one frightening conference!

That got me thinking about Joel "Discover the Champion In You" Osteen. I was looking for a good picture of that logo when I found this great post over at It compares Joel's message with motivational speaker Anthony Robbins' message. The similarities are eerie!

4:35 PM, August 31, 2006


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