I Wish This Had Been Written 15 Years Ago
I can admit it now. There’s a bunch of church folks to whom I owe a belated message:MUST READ the whole thing here.
Go home. Stay home. You’re at church too much. Take some payback and take care of yourself. Take a sabbath from church.
Repeating that: Take a sabbath from church. Yes, a sabbath. God wants you to enjoy him, life, other people, maybe another church. He wants you to get your sour, guilt-ridden, manipulated, beaten down face out of that circus and save yourself.
Chris, I want to thank you for posting this article. I'm Joanna, I worked with Kristina at JCE and one day last week one of the nurses had Caleb's blog page pulled up on one of the computers. I saw that he was home and read the updates. I was so happy for you guys, and so encouraged by the evidence of your faith in a God who genuinely cares for you and your family. Later, I was trying to see if I could find Caleb's page so I googled his name and found the site of the "now father" of Caleb. :) When I opened the link, for some reason this posting was the first thing I read. It caught my eye because the message is one God has been speaking to me for...over half a year at least, and I've had such a hard time obeying it. He's said, "be still... cease your striving, and wait on Me." It's been unbelievably difficult to resign myself to do just that. Trusting that when I quit, as John Eldredge says, trying to arrange for my own abundant life... He will be able to lead me into it.
Anyway, didn't mean to get all wordy, but I wanted to thank you for... just being who you are and choosing to let God work thru you. Kristina has left such an excellent testimony at JCE. I overheard a couple of the nurses talking about Caleb's struggles, and consequently the rest of your family's, and one commented something to the effect of, "I'm sure they'll be alright. Her faith is so strong." I don't think there's one of us that doesn't miss her good-hearted cheerfulness. And I, for one am grateful to have witnessed God's grace thru you both.
7:55 PM, September 12, 2006
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